If you have been lately seeing a lot of people catch up on this new fad of drinking celery juice and are kept wondering if this is some sort of a miracle drink, this article is just the right one for you. Read on to see benefits that this plant can impart to your health!
Is Drinking Celery Juice Good For You?

Doctors and nutritionists world over are recommending this drink to anyone who has a problem with their digestion. That is not all!
This superfood cannot just be eaten raw as a low-calorie snack, but it can be taken in so many other forms. Celery is good to eat steamed, baked, blanched and/or cooked. What is great about celery is that unlike most other vegetables, it retains a big part of its vitamins and other nutrients; whether it is steamed, cooked, baked, blanched or added to any other vegetable or stew! That way it is a great addition to any food at all.
That is great news, considering that eating the same food in a similar fashion every day can get redundant and boring. Celery can thus be eaten in different forms. However, celery juice is a common way that people like to consume it.
Such juice, if consumed once a day, is really beneficial. The benefits of this drink are just so many that you will be surprised you never knew about them. It makes the immune system so strong that you will not fall sick as often as you did.
Juicing celery and consuming it first thing in the morning ensures that your digestive system works great gun for the rest of the day. However, it can be consumed at any time of the day and between any meals.
Is It OK to Drink Celery Juice Every Day?

Experts suggest that there is absolutely no harm in drinking it every day. In fact, it is strongly suggested that once you begin the routine of juicing celery and consuming it fresh, you will begin seeing great results just within the first week.
It is important that you take care of your internal system, detox and cleanse it as often as possible. This is particularly important in today’s world where everyone is only gorging processed and sugared food and is often stressed.
The benefits of drinking this beverage are so numerous that once you know how to make it and you begin consuming it, you will feel like drinking it every other day. Dr. Benson, a noted nutritionist in New York recommends that you continue drinking this juice for at least fifteen days in a month continuously for your body to benefit from nutritions celery has to offer.
Here is a list of the benefits:
This vegetable belongs to the Apiaceous family, which is the same as carrots, turnips and parsley.
- Celery is good for the gut. It is believed to be an elixir for the delicate inner lining of the stomach, and daily consumption of a celery juice recipe can detoxify the digestive tract.
- Phthalates present in this vegetable are known to clear blocked arteries of the entire gunk that is accumulated over the years. It also inhibits the accumulation of LDL or bad cholesterol and helps in increasing HDL or good kind of cholesterol.
- Some parts of this plant, especially the lower part of stalks and seeds, have anti-inflammatory properties and have traditionally been used in Oriental medicine.
- It contains Apigenin. It is a freely existing molecule that has anti-cancer properties. It is also a rich source of a flavonoid called luteolin which prevents malignancies in a body.
- Strong evidence of the best benefits from this drink is that it lowers hypertension and maintains ideal blood pressure.
- It is a rich source of various antioxidants and, therefore, boosts the immune system immensely.
- Celery fiber is very beneficial to your digestive tract.
- This vegetable is mainly water and therefore juicing celery and drinking it prevents dehydration.
Does Celery Juice Make You Poop?

Make celery juice every day and kiss goodbye to constipation. There are tons of recipes all over the internet and for a good reason. This juice is a natural diuretic, which means that it clears your digestive tract.
Juicing for health:
Drinking it once a day can keep bloating and hard stools at bay. This juice is a great way to flush out toxins from the body. It not just makes you poop but pee more than usual as well, thereby making your system cleaner.
The benefit of celery juice is that since the pulp is finally strained off, the body has to work lesser in order to remove fiber. It is easy on the stomach.
Celery Juice Recipe:
One of our favorite juices is to add one lemon, a piece of ginger to about four stalks of celery and blend this all with half a glass of water. The juice will need to be strained off to remove all the pulp. You can add a spoonful of honey if you like it sweet.
Here is how to juice in a blender:
Do not let your juice sit too long in the fridge or outside. A fresh glass of such extract must be consumed as soon as you make it.
- Cut celery stalks from the celery head. Make sure that you wash them well and clean off the dust and soil at the bottom folds.
- Next, you need to cut them into slightly smaller pieces to fit into your blender. You can even use a juicer. Both of them work fine for vegetables.
- If you are using a blender, you may need to put in all other vegetables that you want to add in a smoothie and then add half a glass of water to ease blending.
- If you are using a juicer, then make sure that you put a jar right under its nozzle because it will start juicing as soon as you put in vegetables.
How much celery juice per day you should be drinking in order to reap its enormous benefits?

You may start with a minimum of 16 ounces per day and gradually increase the dose to about 24 to 32 ounces per day. You will be straining off the juice from the blender, and so you may want to empty strained juice in a graduated glass/jar to measure the quantity.
Is Celery High In Sodium
Celery has about 50 milligrams of sodium per large stalk. But there is no reason to avoid this crunchy and tasty vegetable or ban it from your kitchen tabletop. Celery has lesser sodium than any other healthier foods like chicken, carrots, shrimps, etc. You may give sprinkling extra salt at the end of a go.
Celery juice side effects may not be manifest in a lot of people. However, celery may cause skin irritation and stomach upset in some people who are allergic to phthalates and flavonoids present in it. A few cases of intolerance to the sun are noticed in people who have started drinking the juice.
What Does Celery Taste Like?

When eaten raw as a salad, it has a nice crunchy and mild earthy taste. Combine it with a cheesy dip and you are set with a nice snack.
Juicing celery can offset its powerful peppery taste. If you do not like it straight, you may consider adding a dash of lemon, honey, and ginger to alter its taste. Any other vegetables like carrots, beets, and fruits like apple and guava can also be an awesome combination for a smoothie.
if you are looking for the best juicer for greens and the best celery juicer, our team has done extensive research and come up with recommendations.
Have you ever tried celery juice?
How was your experience? We will love to know if you benefit from your juice routine. If you haven’t yet begun on celery detox juice, mykitchenadvisor recommend that you start immediately. Don’t make good things wait!